Going Back to my Roots
The mother in me will always go to the traditional silver and blues, and all the fun balloons and banners that come with it....but the creative in me goes back to biblical times, to earthern oil jugs, vintage ceramics and strong women who serve wine and cheese!
Cheese boards are a great way to entertain over the holiday, a quick appetizer snack while everyone arrives. Before they sit down to warm soup and fresh latkes and lox.
Start with an assortment of different cheeses, some sliced, some cubed and a nice round Brie or Camembert for added variety. Fill in with some olives, seasoned nuts, and an assortment of crackers. Tuscanini and Firehook are both great for cheese boards. Fill in more empty spaces with fresh grapes and sliced strawberries for some added color.
Happy festival of lights!